Xu Landén Lab
Karolinska Institute
Lab Members
Ning Xu Landén
Associate Professor, Group Leader
Research interest: Decoding gene expression regulation in human skin wound healing
Zhuang Liu
PhD, Postdoc Fellow
Research interest: Integrating and interpreting multi-omic data in human skin wound healing
Guanglin Niu
PhD, Postdoc Fellow
Research Interest: Noncoding RNAs in regulation of cell stemness and disease condition
Xiaowei Bian
PhD Student
Research Interest: Epigenetic regulation in human wound healing

Yongjian Chen
PhD Student
Research interest: Multi-omic analysis to reveal the role of regulatory RNAs in human skin wound healing
Jennifer Geara
PhD Student
Research interest: Mitochondria encoded circular RNA in Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Lihua Luo
PhD Student
Research interest: Using Multi-omic analysis to reveal molecular events in skin wound healing

Marta Rutar Pérez
Master Student
Research interest: Mitochondria encoded circular RNA in Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Letian Zhang: PhD student in 2018-2023, now joining Bartosovic Lab as a postdoc.
Diana Juanes Gusano: Visiting PhD Student (2022.09 - 2022.12).
Monica Maselli: Visiting master student (2022.03 - 2022.09).
Minna Piipponen: Postdoc fellow (2020-2022).
Maria-Alexandra Toma: PhD student in 2017-2022, now working at Amgen Inc.
Qizhang Wang: Visiting PhD student (2020.12–2021.12)
Dongqing Li: Postdoc (2014-2018), Assistant Professor (2018-2021).
Yuen Ting Cheung: master student at Uppsala University, performed a bioinformatic project in 2020-2021.
Darco Zindrou: medical student at KI, performed a summer project in 2020 June.
Milja Miettinen: medical student at KI, performed a master project in 2020.
Manika Vij: postdoc fellow in 2018-2019
Kim Pham: medical student at KI, performed a master project in 2019
Xi Li: PhD student in 2014-2019, now R&D Scientist at Oriflame, Sweden
Victor Qiu: medical student at KI, performed a summer project in 2018
Eva Herter: Postdoc fellow in 2016-2018, now R&D Scientist at Agilent, Germany
Jianmin Wu: Postdoc fellow in 2017-2018, now Associate Professor in Wenzhou Medical University, China
Dani Visscher: Master student in 2017 (Netherlands)
Jingxin Ma: Visiting researcher in 2017, now professor in Dalian Medical University (China)
Aoxue Wang: Visiting researcher in 2016, now professor in Dalian Medical University (China)
Eleni Liapi: Project student in 2016, now PhD student in Maastricht University (Netherlands)
Xi Liu: Master student in 2014, now PhD student in Karolinska Institutet
Benedicta Ugochi Iwuagwu: Master student in 2012, now PhD student in Robert Gordon University (UK)